2012年2月21日 星期二

Divine Knowledge 上天的知識

Bhagavad Gita(Shri Gita Saar) 薄伽梵歌

Shri Krishna 克里希
to Arjuna as He prepared him for battle

Shri Krishna & Arjuna

Why do you worry in vain? Who are you afraid of in vain? Who can
hurt you really? The soul is neither born nor does it die. Whatever

happened happened for the best. Whatever is happening is happening for the best. Whatever will happen, that too will happen for the best. You need not repent the past, nor worry about the future. This is the present. Live in the NOW.


What have you lost that you cry for? What did you bring with you, that you have lost? What did you give birth to (create) that is destroyed?You did not bring anything with you. Whatever you took, you took from here, from this plane this world. Whatever you gave, you gave back here, to this plane. Empty handed you came, empty handed you will return. Whatever today is yours, yesterday belonged to someone else, and tomorrow will be yet another's. You think this belongs to you, and so are absorbed in it. This illusion alone is the cause of your unhappiness and lack of peace.


Change is a law of this world.


That which you call death, that in itself is life. In one instant you

possess millions and in the very next instant it could all be gone.

Mine-yours, big-small, ours-theirs, remove these distinctions from the mind. Then, everything is yours and you belong to everyone. Neither is this body yours nor are you of this body. This body is made of fire, water, air, earth and ether and into them will dissolve. However, the soul is constant.



Then, who are you?


Give yourself over to God (the higher self). This is your highest
security.  Those that know this security are forever free from fear,
worry and sorrow. Whatever actions you perform, keep handing those over to God. By doing so you will experience the bliss of freedom from the birth-death cycle.



Divine Drama played by Children

"Bindi is the mark of Shri Ganesha and is the blood of Shri Jesus. "


"Bindu(Bindi), means....a dot you can say. From this dot, all these five elements start coming, one after another - light, air, water, fire and earth. (98.12.16) Red is the colour of Mooladhara. (81.10.05) When the Kumkum is applied on the forehead above the Agnya Chakra, the Chakra is opened and the Kundalini rises. Such is the intimate connection between Jesus Christ and Kundalini power. (79.09.25)"

那五大元素開始,一個接著另一個 - 光、空、水、火和地。(98.12.16) 紅色是根輪的顔色。(81.10.05) 當Kumkum粉塗在前額即額輪之上,輪穴被打開及昆達會提昇上來。這是耶穌基督和之間如此密切的連繫。(79.09.25)」

"Now the attention is so disturbed all the time and that's why you catch very fast and when you catch from your eyes, it goes to your Agnya Chakra. Now, this is the protection of Agnya Chakra. That's the only thing I think you people have to wear, that's important. That will be a good idea because you will not catch. This is one of things one has to do. (85.12.27) Now just see putting on that, how much Agnya has gone down. So just see putting that, just see that, how powerful. See, vibrations started flowing. I know one thing: without forgiveness, nothing is going to work out or be done. (85.12.25)"

「現在注意力任何時間都被,這那麼快的原因。當你從眼睛得來,它會進入你的額輪。現在,這是的保護。這是唯一東西我想你們必須佩戴,那是重要的。那將會好主意因為你將會不受感染。這是其中一事情你必須去做。(85.12.27) 看只塗上這明點,多少額輪下降。故此看只是塗上這,只看這,那麼強大的威力看,生命能量已開始在流動。我知道一事情:沒有寬恕,沒有事情會成就或被完成。(85.12.27)」

From Puja book by the UK collective

-Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi  錫呂瑪塔吉.涅瑪娜德維女仕

Kundalini 昆達里尼

"The Kundalini is your own mother. Your individual mother. And She has tape-recorded all your past and your aspirations, everything. And She rises because She wants to give you your second birth, but She is your individual mother. You don’t share Her with anybody else. Yours is a different, somebody else’s is different because the tape-recording is different. We say She is the reflection of the Adi Shakti who is called as Holy Ghost in the Bible. But She rises without any difficulty. Hardly any time it takes."— Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi


Chakras 輪穴

Subtle System 內在的精微能量系統

We have 7 Chakras and 3 Channels.

7 Chakras from bottom to top:

SahasrarChakra 頂
*Shri Kalki 迦奇
*Integration of All the Religions, State of Yoga (Oneness with God Almighty)所有宗教的整合、瑜伽的狀態(梵我合一、合一)

Agnya Chakra 額
*Shri Jesus-Mary, Shri Buddha(Right Agnya) 耶穌及聖母瑪利,佛陀(輪右部亦即自我所在)
*Forgiveness, Ego and Superego(Conditioning) 寬恕、自我和超我(思想制約)

Vishuddhi Chakra 喉
*Shri Radha-Krishna 羅陀及克里希納
*Collectivity, Witness, Speak Sweetly 享受集體、靜觀、說話甜美

Heart(Anahata) Chakra 心
*Shri Shiva, Shri Durga 濕婆神,杜伽女神
*Pure Spirit(Left Heart), Security, Mother & Father relationship 

Nabhi Chakra 臍
*Shri Lakshmi-Vishnu 摩訶拉希什米及毗濕奴
*Satisfaction, Peace, Evolution  滿足、平安、進化

Swadhishthana Chakra 腹
*Shri Brahmadeva-Saraswati 梵天婆羅摩及莎維德麗
*Creativity, Pure Knowledge, Pure Attention 創造力、純綷知識、純潔的注意力

Mooladhara Chakra 根輪 
Shri Ganesha 象頭神格涅沙
*Innocence, Wisdom, Chasitity  

3 Channels are:

Left Channel(Ida Nadi)
Past, Desire, Emotion  過去、願望、

Central Channels(Sushumna Nadi)
-Present, Joy, Spiritual Ascent  現在、喜樂、

Right Channel(Pingala Nadi)
-Future, Action, Mental Activity  將來、行動、思維

Money 金錢

Shri Ganesha

"Money is the dust of Shri Ganesha's feet. "


"We are so attached to money in a subtler way. One's attitude toward money may affect the Nabhi, and can spread to the Void, and may ultimately go to the Ekadesha Rudra, e.g. if we avoid paying that which should be paid, or do not give the due amount. (83.02.04) Money is such a lure for human beings, that it kills all sense of decency, of higher values, everything. (97.11.02)"

「我們對金錢有着微妙的依附。個人對金錢的態度會影響臍輪,也可感染幻海,最後進入十一種量。例:若我避免付一些應付的帳,或不給予足夠金額。(83.02.04) 金錢是人類的一大引誘,它扼了所有對道德、更高價值及對一切事物。(97.11.02)」

"By generosity we nourish our hearts. When we give, try to feel that we are giving what God has given. (82.11.01) By generosity the circulation starts, and you solve your material problems. (86.09.21)"

「有了慷概,我們的心會被滋養。在我們給予的同時,嘗試去感受正在給予是神曾給予我們。(82.11.01) 循環便,你更可解決你個人在物質上的問題。(86.09.21)」

From Puja book by the UK collective
-Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi  錫呂瑪塔吉.涅瑪娜德維女仕