2012年3月5日 星期一

Spiritual Trips 靈性之旅

A Cool Day in Rome
Second Hand Market (Mercatino Dell'Usato) 18 June, 2012

We sold all the house items which can be used again to the second hand market - Mercatino dell'Usato. Our car was completely filled up with those old items. The staff of the market took most items, but some items were refused. I threw away the refusal to the garbage bin at the street nearby. I felt my Sahasrara(at the top of my head) was so cool while I saw a very old Italian couple who were picking up those items. Then I realized that it was very good idea to give away the used items. In this way, vibration and love can flow to others. I talked to them about Sahaja Yoga, the man kept the leaflet in his pocket. 

We drove to another Mercatino to see if the staff will take the refusal or not. The staffs in this store were very cheerful instead the staff in the first store were so serious. The staff almost took all the items which we gave to her. While I was doing the same things to throw some used cushions and bags to the garbage bin, I met a mother and her daughter. The mother told me that I should not throw the used bags to the clothing bin. In the meanwhile, her daughter was looking at the bag on my hand. She asked me if I am going to throw it. I answered 'Yes' and said 'You can take it if you enjoy!' She took the bag and then we started to talk about Sahaja Yoga. Surprisedly the mother has already known Sahaja Yoga and planned to join a class close to her home. Three of us meditated together at the street, we all felt such a cool breeze over our hands and at the top of our heads. Because of that, she promised me that she will definitely go to the Sahaja class.

I went back inside the store, there were two ladies standing behind us.  They smiled to us for greeting. Eventually they got their self-realization. And I gave a Chinese painting to the son of one lady as a gift. Later on, we were heading to our car after we finished all the selling. We met a family who was given the Chinese painting, there were mother, son and daughter. We said hi to each other and her daughter was interested in meditation. While she was meditating, the cheerful staff got off from work and walked by. I invited her to join the meditation, she got her self-realization as well finally.

From Rome to Cabella 從羅馬到卡貝拉
Shri Adi Shakti Puja 8-10 June, 2012
太初母親之崇拜 二零一二年六月八至十日

Shri Adi Shakti Puja 太初母親之崇拜

It was my first time to take the Italian trains far away from home. I was heading to Cabella, where is the heaven on earth. I had a luggage that was bigger than me and 2 more small baggages. Once I got on the train, I started to talk about Sahaja Yoga to a girl who told me which one was the right train for my journey. She felt cool breeze over her both hands. Then there was another girl smiling to me on the train, I asked her to open her hands and I used my hands to rinse her Kundalini. She felt hot breeze over her hands. Later she felt cooler after asking Mother Earth to absord all the heat within her. 

Because I needed to make a transit at Roma Ostienses station, so I got off the train. I was so happy to walk toward an elevator in front of me. But then the train driver talked to me with Italian. He was seems to be telling me that the elevator was not working. I was not beliving in him. Once I got close to the elevator and saw the notice 'Waiting for Maintenance'. Then I remembered that yes, I was in Italy!!! But anyway I gave a leaflet of Sahaja Yoga to that train driver to thanks for his kindness. While I was carrying those heavy luggages, I was feeling that I should not go by myself with trains. 

From the station of Roma Ostiense to Genova Piazza Principe, I stayed in a single train compartment with one man. After I explained what is Sahaja Yoga and its benefit. He felt such a peace during the meditation and repeated to say 'This is very important for life'. After he left, other two men came to the same compartment. One of them asked me that if I minded he was going to sleep there. I replied for sure that he could go ahead. They were the truck driver and drove 12 hours from France to Italy without sleeping. One of them took the Self-realization and another one said no.

There was a man who sat in next compartment, always smiled to me and told me that he had some extra water if anytime I needed. I was surprise for his kindness and felt that have to give him Self-realization. We meditated long time in the train corridor even so many people were passing through. He enjoyed so much with the tremendous cool breeze from Shri Mataji's photograph. After we got off from the train, he helped me to carry the luggages and asked another female passager to take care of me. As she was taking the same train of mine from Genova to Arquata Scrivia station. At that time, I felt that I was fully protected from Ganas and Angels. Before I said goodbye to her, she got her Self-realization within 1 minute. 

New York 紐約

On March of 2011, I spent two weeks in New York and Philadelphia, United States to join the hands of Health Corps in Colleges.


Health Corps are all over US college

We had a booth to introduce Sahaja Yoga and give Self-realisation in a hall of college. Except us, there were others counters such as related to healthy food, balacing life style and excercise etc.


Students were one by one to come to get their Self-realisation and experience of meditation. Most of them were quite stress from their school works and daily life before meditation. They all showed the pleasant smiles and felt calm after the meditation. Some of them were just closed their eyes for long time to enjoy the complete sillence within.


Philadelphia 費城

Total three of us including me travelled to Philadelphia from New York by car. It was really a fun and unforgettable trip. We started our journey by having a cup of hot tea with soia milk in Starbuck Cafe. It had a special taste and yammy!

我們共三個人一起駕車前往。這是一次快樂與難忘的旅程。我們出發前Starbuck Cafe

Actually we were invited by an auntie to give a hand for a Health Corp in a university. We arrived her house one night before the program. She prepared some traditional Mexican dishes for us. And everthing that we needed was just ready inclding a big banner, flowers, music player, computer to show our pictures and thousands of Sahaja leaflets.


On the day of Health Corp, we all woke up at 5 o'clock in the morning and meditated collectively. Our Subtle Systems were being enlightened and cleaned during the meditation. After breakfast, we went to the university to set up our booth. We stayed in a big hall with other people from different booths. Foods were provided to us for free. We could see the blossomed pink flowers through the glass wall.


Probably because of the environment was different, we found that the students in Philadelphia were more innocent than in New York. They were open-hearted to try out the meditation. We were very joyful to see their happy face after meditation. Some of them appreciated a lot to have such an amazing time with the awakening of their inner energy.


On the way back to New York from Philadelphia, we were keeping to give Self-realisation to all the seekers we met. Once we arrived China Town of New York City, I got off from the car. At that time, there were tremendous vibration on my hands. I was extremely joyful and wish to share it with everyone.


At the street of China Town, I met a man who asked me about the way to go somewhere. After I showed him the way, then I started to tell me about Sahja Yoga. He felt the cool breeze on the top of his head and will find out more information online.


Maharashtra Tour in India

Maharastra is assolutely a holy place in the world. Many Saints were borned in Maharastra, including Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. In the Christmas time of 2004, I joined a Maharashtra Tour which was organised by Sahaja collecive of India.

We visited the most important temples and temples. Sometimes we felt such a cool vibration on our hands, but sometimes could have hot or burning sensation over our hands. As Shri Mataji said that if the disciples of the temples start to misbehave or there are flase guru, Goddess will be disappeared over there.


On the mountain top of Adi Shakti (Saptashrigi Devi) temple, I saw a very old lady who was putting her forehead (Namaska) onto each step of the stair to pray to God. It was such a long way from the bottom going up to the mountain top. A local Indian told us that She has been doing that eveyday. It was touching my heart very much! By seeking of God, people are facing different difficulties including the physical suffering. How lucky am I to get my Self-Realisation in Sahaja(Spontaneous) Yoga without any sacrifice.

在太初之母(薩塔施靈基)殿山上, 我看見一老婦一級樓梯上瞌來向神祈求。從山下到山上延長路途。當地印度人告訴我們她就是每天如是這樣做。這情景使不已。為了求道,人們正面對不同的苦難當中包括肉節磨。我是如此幸運地通過霎哈嘉(自然而然)瑜伽獲,並且沒有作